PMDD Sucks.

Does this sound like you?

Emotional Instability

  • You experience severe mood swings and irritability that effects your relationships, work, and well-being.

  • It feels like hopelessness just takes over, and finding any sense of emotional stability seems impossible.

Relationship to Self

  • Your inner dialogue is brutal. You rarely have nice things to say to yourself or constantly beat yourself up.

  • You do not feel capable of getting better and worry that you will feel this way forever.

Anxiety & Stress

  • Right before your period, it can feel like stress is your constant companion. You’re always in fight or flight mode.

  • It's like your mind is always racing, worrying about everything, and you just can't seem to catch a break from the overwhelm.

  • You have panic attacks or experience your anxiety in your body through tingling, numbing, a racing heart, sweating, and the like.

Relationships with Others

  • You shut everyone out every couple of weeks because you're feeling so irritable, which is hard to explain to loved ones.

  • You experience moments of paranoia, wondering if your coworkers, partner, family or friends secretly dislike you.

  • You are frequently lashing out at loved ones or arguing more than normal. It feels almost uncontrollable.

  • You wonder every luteal phase if you should end your relationships.

Self-Care & Routine Maintenance

  • Self-care routines fall by the wayside because it’s hard to keep up with them when you’re feeling low.

  • Maintaining good habits like eating well and exercising feels nearly impossible.

Depression & Low Mood

  • There are days when the sadness feels so heavy, it's like you're walking through a fog. It's hard to even get out of bed, let alone tackle the day.

  • Finding any bit of motivation can feel like an uphill battle.

  • You experience suicidal ideation or self-harm.

How We Can Help

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    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

PMDD doesn’t have to suck.

We’re here for you! Sign up for a session of coaching to start taking control of your PMDD and getting your life back.